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Software categories
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Land Records Management
Loan Auditing
Loan Qualifying
Mortgage Banking
Inventory Control
Listings Management
Loan Origination
Loan Servicing
Market Analysis
Home Improvement
Investment Analysis
Lease Analysis/management
Loan Analysis
Loan Processing
Maintenance Management
Multiple Listing Service (MLS)


Price: $145 | Upgrade: 50% | Copies sold: 100 - 999
Current version: 2.0 | Year released: 2001 | Year updated: 2003

  • printed manual
  • on disk

Metro-Map is a user-friendly desktop mapping software filled with useful localized data such as voting districts, grocery stores, public transportation lines, schools, churches, movie theatres, health clubs, parks, post offices, libraries, dog parks, transit lines and stations, and much more. It prints street level data and maps all of your listings in seconds. Our data is manually verified for accuracy, and free updates are included with your purchase so that you always have the most current market information.

A great sales tool for both existing listings and for acquiring new ones. It's a great competitive advantage!

Call today for a demonstration. Currently only available for Chicago metropolitan area, but new cities are being added every quarter. In Progress: New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, Baltimore, Washington DC, and Miami.

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
Software rating: n/a

Forum Analytics, LLC
203 N. La Salle St
Suite 2100
Chicago, IL 60601
Contact: Paul M. Sill
Phone: 773-782-0601
Year business started: 2001

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