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Office Buildings
Property Management, Special
Real Estate Owned (REO)
Office Management
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Office Management

Price: $449.95 | Upgrade: $50 | Copies sold: 100 - 999
Current version: 3012.2525 | Year released: 1997 | Year updated: 1999

  • printed manual
  • on-line help
  • on disk

Simple and quick business utility allowing office staff to view the status of a co-worker from their desk on a networked computer. The Corporate Edition allows as many as 200 users to be displayed either in full detail mode or in mini-display mode. The Corporate Edition also includes a maximum of ten departments, in and out tracking and report generation, military time option, and the capability of connecting as many as 20 WorkGroups that results in the maximum viewing of 4,000 users.

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a

Touch N' Go Systems, Inc.
406 G Street, Suite 210
Anchorage, AK 99501
Contact: Jim Gottstein
Phone: 800-691-6333 or 907-264-6333
Year business started: 1993

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