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Software categories
Sales Analysis
Strategic Planning
Tax Related
Trust Account
Virtual Tour
Sales Tools
Structural Analysis
Title Services
Uniform Building Codes
Web Design
Video and Electronic Imaging
Work-order Management

Strategic Planning

Price: contact sales | Upgrade: contact sales | Copies sold: 0 - 49
Current version: V3.0 | Year released: 1990 | Year updated: 2002

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Pegasus Systems CRESYS is a suite of Web-enabled data management and analytical tools combined with a collaboration forum designed to coordinate the enterprise-wide activities involved in corporate real estate (CRE) management.

Formerly disparate activities, departments, and vendors are brought together under one umbrella to increase the flow of communication, speed the process of site acquisition and occupancy and, most importantly, ensure optimal return on investment (ROI) for every real estate acquisition in the corporate portfolio. CRESYS is an intelligence gathering and dissemination conduit to the real estate, legal, construction, marketing, finance, operations and property management groups. CRESYS is a vital decision-making tool that retail organizations should not be without.

The CRE function is a lifecycle of activities beginning with the critical step of site selection. This is followed by acquisition, construction/project management, on-going property management and, in some cases, disposition. In addition, the lifecycle may include strategic planning for expansion or downsizing.

CRESYS is made up of individual modules addressing each area of the CRE lifecycle.

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
  • Handheld PDA
  • Web based
Software rating: n/a

Pegasus Systems, Inc.
PO Box 704
Horsham, PA 19044
Contact: Sales
Phone: 215-540-8901
Year business started: 2002

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