Try Printing Company Websites - A web search will bring up templates, but many companies offer unattractive templates for "free" and then charge for the professional looking templates. Many online printing companies offer free templates with various themes like mortgages, real estate, religion and faith, health, construction, beauty, fitness and more. If your company fits into a common theme, you should have no problem finding a template to create your brochure or postcard with.
Make Sure You Have The Correct Software For Edits - Most templates will require you to edit the template with some kind of photo editing software like Photoshop. However, if you are using a brochure or postcard creator on a printing company website, they will often allow you to make your theme or template edits right there on the site, without having to download the file to your computer and edit it with your own software.
Decide the Format You Like Ahead of Time - If you are doing some kind of a brochure, decide what kind of qualities you want the brochure to have ahead of time. For example, you will need to decide - Are you going to do full color or black and white? Are you going to do a tri-fold? What size do you want the brochure or postcard? Make sure that the template you choose with work with all of these parameters. If you are going with black and white printing, then if you choose a full color template, the colors in it might not work well with black and white.