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Added: October 10, 2006
Article rating: 3.05 (of 5) - 21 votes

Tips for Business Card Success

[ by Frank Owen ]
Business cards are an essential tool for any business whether a multi-million pound corporation or small, family business. They allow companies and the individuals within a company to distribute their brand image and vital information about the business to both members of the public and potential business partners and associates. To make sure you get the most out of your business cards here are our top five tips to ensure your business cards pack that maximum punch needed to get noticed in the busy business world.

1. Insert Your Logo on Your Business Card In a Prominent Position.
You wouldn't believe the number of business cards I have come across over the years that have been handed to me without even a business logo on - sure it may have the company credentials, name and the contact information of the person who gave me the card but without the company logo it's extremely hard when digging through a large spindle of business cards to find who I'm actually looking for. Ensure this doesn't happen and that you're never forgotten by placing your company logo in a prominent position on your business card.

2. List Every Way Possible to Contact You and Your Company
This is the most crucial aspect when designing or choosing your business cards. If you get this wrong, your phone may never ring. Do not forget to include your full name, the company name, your e-mail address, the name and number of your secretary, full business address, phone and fax number and even your home number if you aren't always available at the office. Business deals are business deals and if that means you must receive a call at 11pm in the evening one night your business and bank manager will thank you for it.

3. Use a Catchy Slogan and You Won't be forgotten!
In the business world most business cards look a like and are quite bland and boring. How after meeting a potential new client will you make sure he remembers to call you? With a catchy slogan on your business card, but remember, nothing cheesy.

4. Using a Call to Action
While call to actions are often used in sales letters, marketing and promotion materials you must remember that is exactly what your business card is, therefore using a call to action on your business cards is a critical step toward ensuring as many people get in touch with you after receiving your card as possible. Don't just list your company credentials; tell them to get in touch and to call you on your office number. Business cards have conversion rates too.

5. The Use of Color
Color can make or break a business card. Too much colour will make people think you aren't that serious, while a business card with different shades of grey will give them the impression that you're un-inspiring and lack creativity, aspects which are important to success in the business world. I recommend sticking to a three color rule and choosing them wisely. You don't want colors that clash with each other - they must compliment. Try looking on a color wheel for ideas.

Visit Frank Owen's website on business cards for more on designing and using business cards:

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