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Added: August 3, 2006
Article rating: 4 (of 5) - 7 votes

Astonish Your Customers With These Customer Service Tips

[ by Catherine Franz ]
Customer service today is getting worse. Win customers over and you build your business for life. Proven by the leader in the industry - Nordstrom's. Nordstrom's customer service keeps improving and they continue to drive others out of business because of it.

Here are six ways you can thrill customers and snatch a larger market share from your competitors.

Offer to do an extraordinary favor

Here's an example of what I mean: A customer of a moving firm wanted to ship a kitchen table and chairs set to his son in a city 300 miles away. But the moving firm had a hefty weight requirement and a high minimum fee. The firm's manager said he made regular trips to that city. So he offered - at no cost - to load the set in his station wagon and deliver it on his next trip.

Under promise, over deliver

A well-known air freight company promises to deliver a package by 10 am the next morning - but often delivers by 9 or 9:30 am. A local printing company always finishes the job before the due date. These are companies customers can count on.

Give them a benefit they don't know exists

If your business offers coupons for certain items, discount those items for those purchases even if customers don't have the coupons.

Put concern above profit

Only offer customers items they can use. Don't sell them higher-priced products just to make a big sale. You'll win the loyalty of customers if you look out for their best interest.

Follow up after the sale

The most successful salespeople follow up regularly at scheduled times - not when they have a spare moment. Help yourself follow up by keeping a log of commitments made and when you promised to keep them.

Comfort customers in time of need

Let's discuss this with an example. If a customer's air conditioning unit blinked out on the hottest Saturday of the year. Have a backup plan for these type of emergencies.

People never forget it when you ease their comfort and will become your biggest raving fan. Return their call no matter how busy you are or have a plan on how to handle these calls. Work later than normal or have someone part-time and on-call. Talk with them on how you can ease their comfort until you can make it there.

Ask if they would like to go to the mall or a movie where it is air conditioned and you will call them when you arrive. It doesn't matter if you are in the air conditioning and heating business or you're a consultant, think of ways you can ease customer's comfort. And don't forget to advertise that as well.

Catherine Franz is a Life and Business Coach and Master Practitioner in the Laws of Attraction. Catherine guides others in finding the light of their own existence and walking an attractive truth in their own lives.,

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