Direct mail is a written communication providing information or an offer intended to elicit a response. It is a precise and well-crafted offer that targets prospects and turns them into dollar-wielding customers. D-mail is the best advertising medium printers can use to demonstrate their level of quality and ability. D- mail provides your prospects and customers with tangible examples that show what your printing shop is capable of producing. Direct mail is described as sending information about a special offer, product or sale announcement, service reminder, or some other type of communication to a person at a particular street or electronic address. Historically direct mail has existed in the form of printed materials, but CDs, audio tapes, video tapes, fax mail, email, and voice mail are also used in d-mail campaigns.
Direct mail is measurable, testable and scalable. When used effectively, it is a powerful and profitable tool. D-mail is the perfect resource for any type of upscale spa or day spa. The overall image, illustrations and offers that you present can make any spa or full service day spa salon business look elegant, inviting and upscale. D- mail is not dead, but email is not the king of the hill yet either. It's just the channel du jour.
Direct mail is perhaps, one of the most powerful marketing mediums in use today. Few other marketing tools can deliver your message with exact precision at such a low cost. D- mail is primarily used to acquire donors-in other words, to get someone to go from never having given to making their first gift. Since fundraising is about building relationships, direct mail is the first encounter. Direct mail is a $528 billion industry; according to the Graphic Arts Technical Foundation (GATF), anthrax is now a bigger concern to direct marketers than postal-rate increases. Meanwhile, a recent informal study by the Printing Industries of America (PIA) found that 75 percent of printers have felt a "moderate" or "severe" impact on their operations in the wake of the events of September 11 and anthrax-tainted mailings, resulting in $6 billion in lost sales and $1.5 billion in lost profits.