The number one thing to remember when it comes to designing business cards is that your card should accurately represent the spirit and image of your company. It's not easy to send a strong message on such a small space, but that's why it's important to think carefully about your business card design. Also, be sure to avoid these common mistakes that small business owners make with their business cards.
1. Overemphasizing the logo: No doubt you have a beautiful logo that you can really be proud of, but if you look around at some of the top companies, you'll notice that they tend to put their logos in small print. This white space serves to draw attention to the logo, and it also leaves plenty of room to convey the practical information included on your card.
2. Trying to be too unique: Business card design should conform to a few accepted standards. It may seem like a good idea to try to present your business as quirky or forward-thinking, but if you're not careful, these efforts may just present you as unprofessional. Look around at some of the business cards that you admire, and you'll probably notice that most of them don't try to do too much, and they generally conform to the standards. It's best to follow the formula, and to express your uniqueness within that formula.
3. Being too colorful: Business card design is like any other form of communication in certain respects. When you are talking to your clients and trying to get them to work with you, do you scream into their ears? Do you use pushy tactics? Hopefully not. So why would you do the equivalent with your business card? Too-colorful graphics can send the wrong message and make your business appear desperate.
4. Hastily choosing your template: You're probably going to base your design on a template, in which case it's important to think carefully and to determine which template works best with your logo. When a logo stands out as separate from the rest of the card, it can be quite glaring and may give an unprofessional impression.
5. Using low-quality paper or ink: You don't have to spend a fortune on your business cards, but it's best not to go with the cheapest bargain-basement printer you can find. Go with a reputable printer that emphasizes the quality of their materials. Poor-quality cards tend to look bad when compared with the competition.
About the Author:
Caterina Christakos is a published author and reviewer. Read about two small businesses that she currently recommends:her top internet business and franchise opportunity.